Friday, October 21, 2011

Diferences bwt Architecture, Interior Design and Interior decorator

According to Lucinda Kuakas Havenhand in her article “A View from the Margin,” Interior design is perceived as feminine, superficial, and mimetic as compared to a male, rational, and original architecture. An architect is a person who is involved in the planning, designing and oversight of a building's construction. Buildings must be safe and strong. They must also suit the needs of the people who use them. An architect, invents, designs buildings, and translates the user’s requirements into a build environment. They create something that does not exist already in an open space.  An interior designer is involved in the process of shaping the experience of interior space through the manipulation of spatial volume as well as surface treatment.  Interior design draws on aspects of environmental psychology, architecture, and product design. Interior designers have to be good with more than color, fabric, and furniture; interior designers must know materials, have budgeting skills, communicate well, and oversee the ordering, installation, and maintenance of all objects that define a space. They also have to know about electrical capacity, safety, and construction. In order to have all these qualities and knowledge, interior designers must have a school degree, pass examinations, have experience and attain a license (required by the state).This broader range of required knowledge distinguishes them from interior decorators. “Interior designers do understand that they have a problematic and often misunderstood identity, although they have worked diligently over the past fifty years to identify and legitimize their field. In the 1930s and ´40s, these activities were centered on differentiating interior design from interior decorator through the creation of educational programs and criteria for competency and knowledge (Havenhand K. L. 2004).” As a result, professional organizations such as ASID,FIDER, and NCIDQ were formed to oversee the development and maintenance of these criteria both in education and practice.   The process of an interior designer is a strategic investment with a long term consequences. They do programming, light testing, space planning (to work with people’s needs), and layout the space. Once they get an approval, they start to design everything you see in the space from walls, surfaces, ceilings, lighting, and plumbing. Next, they install the furniture and art work. They create places that provide health, safety, and moral. They create spaces that connect with every person who is going to use it. On the other hand, an interior decorator is someone who decorates a room (or place) based on what they have available or what is in it. They deal with finishes, surfaces, furniture, and wall covering. They are able to work from a showroom to a remodeling retail store. There are no government regulations’ regarding the work of an interior decorator.  

1 comment:

  1. "The process of an interior designer is a strategic investment with a long term consequences." I couldnt have said it better myself. We are building for the user, and if it does not function as it should then the consequences are not only a burden on the designer but also expereinced throughout the space.
