Monday, November 7, 2011

Is Industrial and Interior Design related?

Industrial and interior design are much related. If we take a look from the interior design side, how can you create a space without thinking about what you are going to need in it? How can you imagine a place without thinking about everything you are going to put in it (from furniture lighting to technology)? As an interior designer, we have all these ideas in our minds. Once we create an empty area/space, it will be that much better if we also have the knowledge about products we will put into that empty area/space.
We ask ourselves, “How are these products going to affect the space?” Products can make spaces look smaller, crowded, or even uncomfortable, so it is very important to have product knowledge as it relates to the space created.

If we look from the industrial design side, how can you create a product and improved it without knowing how that object relates with the environment? How is this product going to affect the space, and where would it be best used in (in relation to the location)? These are the questions that need to be answered before creating the product.

If you are the one who designs the space, there is no one better than you to know what you are going to need in that space. You also know how you can accommodate everything in order to make it a comfortable place. You in essence create the space in order to enjoy what will be used in it.
These two disciplines share two really important objectives which are the study of function and form. As interior designers, we need to create useful and safety spaces, in order to create a good connection between the space and everyone who is going to use it. We fix problems in order to improve people’s lives using safety codes and concepts. Industrial designers work really very similar. They study the connection between products, users and environment. Industrial designers use a combination of applied art and applied science to improve the aesthetics, ergonomics, and usability of products.
These two disciplines are focused on the improvement of life, safety, and function. How can they not be related and connected to each other.

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